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JOB AD: TUFA Communications and Engagement Officer

Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA) Communications and Engagement Officer JOB TITLE:                              Communications and Engagement Officer REPORTS TO:                          Reports to the President and Executive Committee, under the direction of the Executive … Read More

TUFA Statement on Preventing Scholasticide in Palestine

TUFA Statement on Preventing Scholasticide in Palestine Following discussion and debate at a special meeting of the Association, a majority of those in attendance passed a motion stating that TUFA: … Read More

TUFA’s Spring General Membership Meeting

April 17 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Location: Bata Library room 411 Colleagues, Copied below is the call for our GMM this Wednesday.  Please find the following documents sent by email … Read More

TUFA Community Funding

Reflecting our ongoing comittment to the community and principles of social justice TUFA has committed funds to support community and social justice initiatives in Peterborough and Durham.

Applications in support of local cultural, intellectual, educative, community service, humanitarian, and/or social justice events and initiatives will be preferred.

More information can be found here