Policy on Child-Care Support

Authority: Membership
Approved: April 24th, 2014

Policy Statement:

The Association has long recognized the value of affordable and accessible childcare to the careers of its members. Though responsibility for providing child-care services should rest with government and the employer, the reality is that the Trent Child Care Centre relies on an annual contribution from TUFA to cover its operating costs. Securing day-care options for the Trent Community is a high priority for many members and is consistent with the social justice and equity objectives of the Association.


The Association’s budget shall include a line item appropriation for “Child-Care support.” The amount of this line item shall be determined by action of the membership and shall be disbursed by the Executive Committee according to the protocols described below.

1) Upon approval by the membership, this policy shall supersede any previous funding commitments in regard to the Trent Child Care Centre (TCCC).

2) An annual amount of no less than $10,000 shall be disbursed each spring to TCCC provided that the following conditions are met:

 a) TCCC continues in operation and is able to receive the contribution;

 b) TUFA is provided with a copy of TCCC’s annual financial report for the prior fiscal year;

 c) TUFA is provided with a report on the number of TUFA members, other Trent staff, and Trent students served by TCCC in the last calendar year.

4) Recognizing TCCC’s need for financial stability, TUFA’s annual budget process shall establish the value of the Child-Care support line for a rolling two-year period. In the first year of budgeting under this policy, the value of the Child-Care support line will be set for two fiscal years.