General Procedure Guiding TUFA Review of University Policy

Authority: Executive Committee
Approved: 30 September 2014


University policies have a significant impact on our members’ working lives. To the extent that such policies effect terms and conditions of members’ employment, the Association has a right and obligation to review University policies before they are promulgated to ensure that our members’ rights are protected.


1) New or revised policy drafts considered by the Employer to affect the terms and conditions of member employment will be provided to Joint Committee for consultation. As part of this consultation, TUFA’s Executive Committee shall consider the draft and determine what steps may be warranted to inform TUFA’s position by, for example, posting the document to the web and soliciting comments from the membership, consulting with the whole membership or specific groups of members, seeking legal/professional advice, and/or meeting with other campus unions. The Employer shall be advised of the time needed by TUFA to conduct its examination of the draft and, based on that examination, the Executive shall provide the members on Joint Committee with direction on the consultations to follow.

2) New or revised policy drafts not considered by the Employer to affect the terms and conditions of member employment will be provided to the Association for comment. Following receipt of such a document, TUFA’s Executive Director shall forward it to, at least, two of the Association’s President, Past President, Vice President, Chief Negotiator, Secretary or Grievance Officer (with copy provided to the members on Joint Committee) to assess if the proposed policy pertains to the terms and conditions of member employment and whether the Association ought to comment on it. The Executive Director shall notify the Employer of TUFA’s intent to respond on or before the 20th day following initial receipt of the document.

3) Following notification of the Employer that the Association intends to provide comment on a draft policy document, the Executive Director shall forward said document to the entire Executive Committee for guidance on what, if any, further consultation or investigation is warranted. The Executive must approve formal policy comments sent to the Employer.

4) If a dispute with the Employer over a policy change cannot be resolved through Joint Committee, the Executive shall seek the guidance of the Grievance Committee before determining whether or not to submit the matter for arbitration as permitted by the Collective Agreement.